Health The end of an unhealthy relationship by irbawi on September 2, 2019 I’ve had it. The coffee must go. I’m in spring, I have candida big time and all sorts of effects: sensitive teeth headache obsessive thinking about coffee and where to get my next fix constant feeling of guilt and weakness for not yet having kicked the habit nausea stomach cramps blurred vision sensitive liver pain in gallbladder smelly sweat under left armpit bad energy break down in afternoon fatigue unrestful sleep too much sleep bad eating habits peeing attacks indigestion of food leaky gut bloating increased heart beat dry skin edgy fidgety grumpy aggressive moody unhappy keeps me from being my best me It’s over, it must go. Share: Previous post: « Killing Candida Experience (27/12/18) Next post: WildFit Legacy – 15 months after »